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DJ Guardian - Criminals
© copyright 2003, Shepherds Of The Flock
Is it ok to hate, to rape or to masterbate / well why on
earth do you think it would be ok to be gay / what verse di
you happen to read / to change the straight natural way that
everyone else sees // so now it's all about being GLAAD /
you can't be mad at this fad or you're just a closet fag /
but the fact is that it's our bad / that the church has
turned it's back on the homeless, hopeless and sad // now
lets talk about my friend Jim / he's 63 and doesn't have a
single pot to piss in / he lives in the forest behind the
K'N'K' / he roams for cans and begs for money all day /
don't you think he's looked for help / all the local chapels
told him to look somewhere else // He's been to the double W
/ but they just gave him some food, and said so long, God
bless and take care dude // Yea my brotha' believes in God /
believes He's a fraud / because all he's seen is that these
pastors don't tend to their flock // it's one big crock /
when will this errency be mended and stop / God won't be
mocked / the laser's aimed and the hammer is cocked // We're
hook: it's all our fault / our crime is hiding what the
bible has truely taught / we're criminals!! / we rob, we
pillige, we steal / we keep the gospel to ourselves as a
full course meal // we're criminals!! / we try to steal
man's very soul / we keep the heat to ourselves and leave
man's heart cold / we're criminals!! / we've lied to our
fellow man / we hope someone else does our job and call it
God's plan // we're criminals!!
Now I'm not here to diss and dismiss / the church at large,
cause they're not doing what their duty is / this truely is
/ my best attempt to move the hearts that are truely His /
God's chosen kids // to minister in the way God would will
in His / scripture fits / those that bear fruit, that's
where the Spirit is / it can't be missed / like a 15 yr old
with a thousand zits // but now we're the cancer, we've
become the sist / we're the scab on societies back that
can't be picked / there's a problem, it's in the church, and
it needs to be fixed / humanism has creeped in and it needs
to be nixed // we're far to mixed / the ACLU has stuck their
fingers in / dug deeper in / their trenches are laid and
they are determined to win / we say we'll defend / but we're
just spittin' alot of words, we're just blowin' wind // we
don't defend / even though God's word is more powerful than
a billion men / It says we win /we're more than conquers,
we're champions // but we've taken on the ideals of those
that are out to kill / we call it free will / but we're just
freely a slave to our sinful nature still // our ways are
ill / the disease of sin that makes us hide in the hill / we
feed on milk / we're the products of a fallen ilk // we're
2nd hook: it's all our fault / our crime is hiding what the
bible has truely taught / we're criminals!! / we rob, we
pillige, we steal / we keep the gospel to ourselves as a
full course meal // we're criminals!! / what more can we
take / it's the very soul of man that is left at stake /
we're criminals!! / watch out there's criminals at large /
they let the old men grieve and let the young men starve //
we're criminals!!
DJ Guardian original...much luv and God bless.