Show Lyrics
Flame - Cross Movement
(from the album Rewind)
© copyright 2006, Cross Movement
Verse 1: I’m gonna go back way back like ’99 when Christ
exchanged my mind it was divine used to rap in the world
before I rapped in the church heard gospel rap and said this
could happen to work so first thing I got rid of my cds that
were secular said that if I really wanted to see Jesus I
would get rid of them replace them with these cds that were
preachin’ and teachin’ promoting Jesus took a trip to the
Christian bookstore just to get equipped so can look more
like Christ in my listening choice didn’t know enough
scripts to consider His voice so I stepped to a smaller
section even though it was small it had a broad selection of
all cats spittin’ gospel rap was blown away dawg in the zone
that day man
Verse 2: Had to have spent a hundred bucks unraveling
wrappers of cds as I run to my truck really excited and
happy as I’m poppin’ them in drenched and drowning in verses
full of doctrines of men but nothin’ that made me really
wanna stop in my sin I was robbed my God they were pullin’
hostages in but yet this was all I knew so as far as I was
concerned everything they said was cool but some cats I just
knew wasn’t spittin’ the truth it all changed when I heard
this particular group something new but I couldn’t really
explain these dudes weren’t afraid of saying Jesus’ name and
at the time this was considered as taboo rappers sayin’
Jesus’ name would make them a bad group I’m from the Midwest
we like our beats slow they rep Christ over beats that were
East coast
Verse 3: I thank the Lord and I thank J.R. the two that
introduced me to CMR in the store that day was a gorgeous
day cause of that moment we are where we are today I went
crazy when I put them headphones on in the store so long
thought I was dead and gone matter a fact the cd was House
of Reps it turned 3D teachin’ how to rep I wanted to follow
the steps of Jesus more closer cause they gave the gospel
more exposure than they did even in my church home for
righteousness I hungered and got my thirst on though cats
may come across and abuse it Lord you sparked the cross
centered movement in my life you used the Cross Movement who
always sticks close to cross centered music